Din 1995, servicii oferite cu competenta si profesionalism de o echipa entuziasta, care evolueaza permanent cu fiecare noua experienta.

Servicii internaționale

Reprezinți o companie locală și dorești să desfășori activități economice pe plan internațional

Mara International te poate ajuta în realizarea unei strategii internaționale oferindu-ți instrumentele potrivite, suport in afacere și experiență.

Suntem membrii activi ai AGN International ceea ce ne acordă un acces direct către principalele piețe și contacte cheie.

Reprezinți o companie străină și dorești să desfășori activități economice in România

Mara International te ajută să îți deschizi o afacere in România, intr-un mediu potrivit, cu o gamă variată de posibilități.

Reprezentăm un număr semnificativ de companii cu afilieri internaționale. De asemenea oferim un pachet complet de servicii atât companiilor internaționale cât și persoanelor fizice nerezidente.

AI and the Entrepreneur

The world is musing over the potential impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Forrester predicted “A greater than 300% increase in investment in artificial intelligence in 2017”, and Sundar Pichai CEO of Google wrote in 2016 that; “The last 10 years have been about building a world that is mobile first. In the next 10 years, we will shift to a world that is AI first”.

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Bitcoin or bust? The crypto-currency goes from $600 to $17,000 in a year and splits our panel of experts

Only 12 months ago you could buy a Bitcoin for about $600; now the same thing would cost you around $12,000. In December, that figure was $17,000. Bitcoin is one of the so-called ‘cryptocurrencies’ but the most successful by far: its market value has at times been greater than that of Disney or IBM. In fact, Bitcoin is bigger than the total currency supply of Denmark!

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Cyber Security: The international threat to business continuity

The largest and arguably most powerful ransomware attack the world has seen started to infect IT systems on Friday 12 May. The ‘WannaCry’ virus threw organisations in the UK, US, Russia, Germany, China and more into meltdown: 157 countries were involved in the attack. We’ve since seen additional ransomware attacks at the end of June and in August. Digital threats are now a day-to-day reality that organisations must face.

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Globalisation: Good, bad and protectionism

A key theme of the World Economic Forum in Davos was the impact on the world of economic and corporate globalisation. President Xi of China opened the Davos with a speech praising the merits of global free trade. But on Friday, US President Trump finished the week calling for a protectionist approach for American businesses. We sought the views of the AGN Global Business Voice panel on these themes, and in particular their views on the impact on national businesses (those whose markets are mainly within national boundaries).

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Is the global recession late?

In this edition, we asked our global panel of SME business advisers - “where is the recession?”. The AGN Global Business Voice (GBV) panel comprises of 44 senior accountancy and business advisory professionals, from leading financial advisory and consultancy firms across the world. In June 2019, the economic expansion of the US reached its tenth anniversary and the longest period of sustained economic growth on record.

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Regiunea Europeană AGN realizează anual o comparație a nivelului taxelor din țările Europene.

O analiză interesantă ce oferă o înțelegere a tendinței acestora, in domeniul:
• Impozitul pe profit
• Donații si moșteniri
• Societățile mama
• Contribuții si impozit pe veniturile din salarii
• Impozit pe venituri din activități independente
• Taxa pe valoarea adăugata (TVA)

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The Increased Business Risks Posed by Social Media as COVID-19 Forces Remote Working

As COVID-19 drives businesses to embrace remote working, the use of social media is expanding. However, many SMEs across the world are unaware of the associated business risks.

In this edition of the AGN Global Business Voice, we take a look at how SMEs deal with their social media activities – through the lens of our panel of 46 business advisers/firms across the world.

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Suntem membri ai Corpului Expertilor Contabili si Contabililor Autorizati din Romania, Camerei Consultantilor Fiscali, AGN International, Uniunii Generala a Industriasilor din Romania, Camerei de Comert si Industrie Romania si ai Camerei de Comert Italiana pentru Romania.